SummitUp™ Software


A more effective and consistent way to assess and teach students with developmental disabilities.

Improving outcomes

Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Mandate

Federal laws for individuals with disabilities (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2001) mandate that an “Individualized Education Plan” be developed for each child. This means teachers have to pull from various resources and rely on their experience and clinical judgment in developing individualized lesson plans, based on each student’s strengths and weaknesses. As a result, valuable classroom time is lost and individual student progress can suffer.

More efficient and affordable

SummitUp was created to provide an efficient, affordable solution that helps school districts, teachers and parents improve outcomes for students with autism, developmental disabilities, and challenging behaviors.

Because children with developmental disabilities learn very differently from non-disabled children, they typically don’t benefit from published curricula for reading, math, science, and other academic areas.

SummitUp is a comprehensive, secure, web-based software that is intuitive to use and enables users to manage multiple IEP student cases simultaneously. With SummitUp, teachers will spend less time on paperwork and can reinvest that time in their students.

SummitUp benefits at a glance

  • Individualized lesson plans. Teachers can access an extensive library of lesson plans that includes definitions, instructional steps, and strategies. Instructional steps and targets are clearly outlined for each lesson plan to ensure every member of the team is teaching the lessons in the same way. Teachers can also modify the lesson plans to customize them for a specific child’s needs.
  • Differentiated instruction within groups. Teachers can individualize their approach by developing educational content within each student’s current ability for instruction within the same classroom.
  • Progress monitoring in real time. Data is collected and graphed as it’s input, so teachers and supervisors can monitor progress from anywhere simply by logging into the system.
  • Individual historical data is stored in one convenient place. Teachers and administrators can see each child’s academic history on one page, including active, mastered, and pending lesson plans.
  • Consistency from year to year. New teachers can quickly see which lessons have been achieved in the past and those that come next. This creates significant efficiencies by reducing assessment time and eliminating duplication.
  • More efficient and consistent planning and reporting. Teachers can quickly summarize what each student has accomplished and identify which skills should be taught next, saving hours of reporting and planning each year.
  • Alert notifications. The SummitUp system enables qualified users to set alerts that notify the user when certain standards and conditions haven’t been achieved.

Subscription-based software

SummitUp supports a variety of users, including teachers, assistant teachers, related service professionals, and administrators. The responsive user interface adjusts to any laptop, desktop, tablet, or mobile device.

Authorized users receive assigned permissions, and views can be restricted based on authorization. The system adheres to HIPAA and FERPA regulations.

Schedule a demo

See firsthand how SummitUp can benefit your students

Contact us to schedule a demonstration and learn how SummitUp can lead to more effective classroom time for teachers and greater success for your students.