
Find out how SummitUp is helping fellow educators and school districts.

“I’ve taught in two special ed settings. I save time and make better data driven decisions for each student. This tool has made me a better teacher.”

“The Alerts save me on average one hour, per day, per teacher in my classroom because analyzing student data is so much faster and easier.”

“I know that, when I go to assign a new lesson plan, the lesson is 100% appropriate for my student and all pre-requisites for that skill have been met.”

“We know when we have completely and accurately mastered a skill and immediately have the next skill to work on.”

“SummitUp is the tool that holds my classroom and team together.”

“Being able to find specific lesson plans to help address specific needs saves me time throughout the week.”

“Having the ability to modify lesson plans, I can now break the skills into bite-size chunks.”

“It’s much easier to go right into the graph and see the students progress versus looking through a casebook.”

“I love being able to tailor the lesson plans to each individual student!”

“I truly believe that SummitUp helps my students generalize lessons in the real world. This tool ensures they learn! I can now show data to parents, educating them on what their child is capable of.”

“Compared to case books, I can get through more lesson plans per year with my students because of the efficiencies the SummitUp tool provides me.”

“My mind is blown over the Quick Score sheet for group tracking. Never would want to go back to casebooks. It’s now all electronic.”

“Students are able to move up faster, revisions are made easier, staff are able to run lessons more accurately.”